Nothin' but Net!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Our activity for the day was a trip to one of the local playgrounds. We sent about an hour and a half playing basketball and swinging. I escaped the hoop-fest with only minimal scrapes and bruises :). I felt kind of flu-ish this afternoon, so I didn't eat a lot, but compensated for it later on in the day.

Nescafe Cappuccino
5 strawberries
slice of toast w/0.5 TB of PB and BM fruit spread
small chili w/2 crackers
small frosty
chicken & veggie stir fry
steeped tea w/2 cream + sweetener
air popped popcorn w/becel spray
teddy grahams
pudding (maybe)

Activity: 90 minutes of basketball (lots of jumping lol) and swinging on the big kid swings.