Not much to say today....
I went to aquasize tonight; we did the deep water class, which was more fun and actually seemed to be more of a challenge than the shallow water one. I found out tonight that one of our facilities here offers an aqua-spin class, which I think would be A LOT of fun and a great workout. I would only be able to go on Mondays though because it runs from 1-2, so maybe I'll see if they'd give me a price break :).
I went a little off course with my eating for the first two days of the week - had a spicy chicken from Wendy's on Tuesday and a very fattening dessert with our dinner out last night. I shouldn't have bothered with the dessert, which was frozen banana cream pie by the way - but I only ate half of my dinner and refused birthday cake at work today. We seem to have so many birthdays lol......must refuse cake....
Hopefully I can redeem myself from my not so stellar choices early in the week...
On another note, my cleansing co-worker thinks she's going to kick my butt in the weight loss competition. She hasn't lost any weight thus far, so I'm not sure how she plans on doing that, but we'll see....I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll take the cake on this one - no pun intended ;).