Happy Monday

Monday, January 28, 2008

My week went pretty well. I ate well, for the most part and worked out twice; it's a start, right?

I gave in to some sun chips on Saturday night - half a bag to be exact. I REALLY wanted them, and not just a 100 calorie pack of them! so I let myself dig into a big bag. I think sometimes I just need to do that, without thinking how many points or calories I'm eating; it gets old after a while. I probably won't do that again for months.

Despite the sun chips, I weighed in this morning at 132.6, down 1.4 from last week! I was pretty excited about that - I'm soooo close to the 120's :).


Christy said...

Oh my god - you are doing awesome! Keep up the fabulous work, and you do need to sometimes just give in, without worrying or counting, so long as you are strong enough to get right back on the wagon, and following your stats - you are DEFINITELY strong enough!!

Vanessa said...

Sounds like you're doing great! Congrats on the loss :D