
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

That's what I looked like today. I wore my charcoal suit to work today with a long sleeved red shirt underneath and I just couldn't shake the "I'm swimming in this friggin' suit" feeling all day. People tell me this is an awesome problem to have, and it IS, as long as you can fit into the lower size!

I'm going to go shopping in the next couple of days and try on a few different cuts of dress pants. I think the only reason that the 6's that I have now don;t fit, is because the waist is freakishly low. The zipper is only an inch long for crying out loud lol.

Here's my food day:

Mini Wheats

1 cup potato soup
small cheese biscuit
1 cup grapes

I'm thinking about a 3 egg omelet for supper tonight and some kind of snack later...maybe I'll make muffins or banana bread :).

Hope everyone had a great day!


Vanessa said...

I hate feeling frumpy! Have fun shopping :)

Anonymous said...

i hate frumpy feeling too. I get it lots!

Vanessa said...

Where are you? I miss your blog!

Anonymous said...

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