1 piece whole wheat toast
1/2 TB PB
1/2 tsp jam
2 source FF yogurt cups
Coffee w/ 2 TB of FF ID @ work
Smart Ones Ravioli Florentine (yummy, as always)
grapes - about 1.5 cups
skinless boneless chicken breast
2/3 c mashed potatoes
1/2 tsp butter
salad w 1/2 TB thousand island
1/3 cup stuffing
'nuther pudding cup
While this menu may not be within my points target, I'm proud of it! I resisted the temptation of a zillion Subway cookies at work, as well as fresh banana bread at home; yay. I'm trying to reduce my intake of peanut butter; it's so easy to eat 2 or 3 tablespoons at a time, but that's not so good for my waist line :).
Finally, a menu I can be proud of...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Posted by Kristen at 10:07 p.m. 0 comments
Hop away little Easter Bunny...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Posted by Kristen at 10:52 p.m. 2 comments
I'm having a cleaning binge...
Monday, March 26, 2007
Still trying to avoid other types of work? Probably. I've skimmed over some notes for a test that I have on Wednesday night and worked on a few problems for an assignment that's due in a couple weeks, but I don't think I can do anymore. I decided to earn some APs and break out the Mr. Clean/Vim again. I cleaned most of the baseboards, washed the floors, vacuumed up Rocky's carpet mess around his condo, and scrubbed the tub/shower. I have to be in a certain mood to clean, but I have to admit, as much as I dislike cleaning, I love having a clean place. There's nothing better than relaxing at the end of the day and being able to look around and see clean.
We're going to meet our Justice of the Peace tonight after dinner. I hope we hit it off, because I really don't want to have to worry about finding an officiant. It's kind of exciting because not only will we know which day we're getting married, but after tonight we should have a time too. We had lots of fun at Wal-Mart yesterday shopping for our gift registry; you'll find lots of practical things on our wish list!
If I had to pick 3 of my absolute must haves from the list, they would be:
- Bissel Spot Bot
- 10 Piece Corningware set
- Assorted baking tins (Loaf pans, cookie sheets, muffin tray etc)
Posted by Kristen at 4:38 p.m. 0 comments
My new car?
- Less expensive than the Accord
- I like the 4 door model
- This car will be family friendly; no trading when we have kids!
Whaddya Think?
Posted by Kristen at 12:48 p.m. 1 comments
Today's Lunch
Yum. I'm starting to really like the Weight Watchers frozen meals, they are so filling and tasty! I added a little bit of grated Parmesan and pepper, which added a little bit of flavour. I think I'll add some extra broccoli next time too, there wasn't enough of it. I was a little worried before I tried this one that the chicken would be gross and rubbery, as it often is with frozen meals, but this on meets my standards. Give it a shot!
Posted by Kristen at 12:37 p.m. 0 comments
How clean is your house?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Is it possible that I will do anything and everything to avoid working on my beast paper? Yes. I have done the dishes and cleaned the fridge - physically scrubbed it inside and out. I can't believe how gross it was lol...I guess we should look under the salad crisper more often.
So now I'm going to sit back and relax, hopefully there's something good on TV tonight. With any luck, Rocky will sit and relax with me; he's been going absolutely crazy all night. I'm sure he'll be ecstatic when Calvin gets home tomorrow morning, he seems to think that there has to be 2 people here at all times.
It looks like this weekend is going to be homework-free, but that's totally fine. Tomorrow should be fun, we're going to Wal-Mart and possibly The Bay to make our gift registries. I honestly don't know if we have space for any more stuff, this apartment is pretty full as it is.
Hehehe...Rocky is chasing his tail...
Posted by Kristen at 9:15 p.m. 0 comments
I don't know why Blogger sometimes refuses to put spaces in between my paragraphs like I want it to lol. Sorry!
Posted by Kristen at 6:13 p.m. 0 comments
I like Pink
Posted by Kristen at 5:49 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Rants
Nap Time!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Holy cow, I've been so tired all day! Sure, it's normal to be a little tired after lunch, which I was, but I just couldn't shake it. So, I'm going to have an early evening nap to re-charge my battery. I had great intentions of getting on my elliptical tonight, which I haven't touched for almost a month, but I'm just too tired. It feels like all I did today at work was run; the minute I finished with one appointment, another client was on the phone...
Hopefully I can catch a few ZzzZzz, even if it's just for 20 minutes. I'm looking forward to a new episode of Intervention tonight, it's about eating disorders. Whenever I see one that has someone who has some kind of eating disorder, it always makes me feel better about the situation that I'm in. I'd rather be 20 pounds overweight that 20 pounds under...I think...lol.
Posted by Kristen at 6:49 p.m. 1 comments
I had a dream...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
That I went for a walk. Does this count as APs (Activity Points for non Weight Watchers)? I woke up this morning feeling good, I actually had a decent sleep last night; I wasn't as cold as I've been during the last couple nights.
I'm looking forward to my day, I only have to go to school from 2-6 instead of my usual 12-6...yay! I missed Grey's Anatomy last week, so I'm looking forward to that tonight too. I don't see any homework on the horizon, but there's always tomorrow :).
Posted by Kristen at 11:23 a.m. 0 comments
With this ring....
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I am So thrilled with our rings, not just because we got a great deal on them, but because I think they're gorgeous. I'm going to have a real problem not wearing mine between now and October; I say this because I'm wearing mine as I blog. That's okay, I don't believe in supersticion anyway lol.
Posted by Kristen at 9:06 p.m. 2 comments
Labels: Wedding
Thank God...
Posted by Kristen at 4:55 p.m. 0 comments
Come to our Wed-Site
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Hello again my lovely bloggers. Just wanted to let you know that Calvin and I created a wed-site tonight, which you might be interested in looking at. It isn't completely finished yet, because we haven't settled on a JP, nor have we secured a photographer, so we don't know all of the nitty gritty details yet. Take a look @ http://kristenandcalvinswedding.wedquarters.com/Welcome.wq
Posted by Kristen at 10:58 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Wedding
I won!
This was Calvin and I prior to my big win.
Posted by Kristen at 6:37 p.m. 0 comments
Yuck, don't ever buy this!
Posted by Kristen at 5:56 p.m. 0 comments
My Lunch
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Posted by Kristen at 4:12 p.m. 0 comments
Whaddya think of this dress?
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I really like the cut of this dress. Yes, it is very casual as far as wedding dresses go, but that's how I am. I think I would look like a ghost in a white dress, so I'm contemplating an esspresso-ish colour. Being that the wedding is I'm October, I think it would be wise on my part to get a jacket or wrap to match. Wow, I'm liking the looks of J. Crew's sizing charts; I could fit into a size 2 if I shaved an inch or two off my hips...SOLD.
Posted by Kristen at 10:37 p.m. 1 comments
I feel thinner
This is interesting because I haven't been counting points like I should, or even drinking enough water, but I feel thinner. I don't think my brain can handle point counting until school is done, but I'm definitely going to make good choices when I can, especially since the big day is only 7 months away!
I'm torn on whether I should wear a dress, or if I should look at a nice skirt and top or something. I'm totally not a dress girl and I sometimes think I look funny in skirts, just because I'm so short. As you may have figured out, I've decided to give in and have fun with the wedding idea. I don;t want to regret not having a wedding in the future, and it could turn out to be a lot of fun for us, especially if we fill the guest list with our close friends and family.
eeek! October 20th - T minus....
Posted by Kristen at 9:46 p.m. 0 comments
Must go shopping
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Posted by Kristen at 11:38 p.m. 2 comments
To Weight Watchers that is. I booked the hall for our reception today, so the wedding in tentatively set for October 20th; I hope we can make everything else jive for the 20th. So, I hope that this will motivate me enough to get my ass in gear and stick to the plan, because it does work! I don't have class tomorrow until 2, so I hope to get some time in on the elliptical and probably the bike or treadmill too.
I think that the biggest reason why I don't stay OP is lack of planning, so I am going to make a conscious effort to lay out my meals and snacks better. I should really go to bed, I'll post a menu tomorrow!
Posted by Kristen at 1:58 a.m. 0 comments
Til Debt do us Part
Monday, March 12, 2007
I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a simple wedding. The hall, caterer, booze, music, rings, and fancy clothes..it all costs money, a lot of money. We made a budget last night and came up with a number somewhere around the $8,000 mark. Eeeek! We haven't even booked a honeymoon yet; add $6,000. So, now we're sitting at over $14,000 to put on a simple affair that we originally budgeted $5,000 for. I don't know about Calvin, but I'm ready to buy our rings and book it to city hall, this is nuts. $14,000 would make a down payment on a house; but no, lets feed and dance 200 people, 150 of whom we don't really know or care about and go home to our apartment.
Posted by Kristen at 2:50 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Wedding
Wedding Gowns
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Posted by Kristen at 11:09 p.m. 1 comments
Labels: Wedding
Movie Review

Cute sequel, but I'd have to say that I liked the first movie better - due to the ever present Hugh Grant :). Colin Firth is cute, but I found him to be a real bore in this movie; I think Bridget would have been better off with Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant). I could watch The Bridget Jones movies over and over, and I probably will :). I think there are so many of us that can identify with with Bridget; she's just so normal. One beef that I always had though, was that she isn't really overweight. She's 5'7 or 8 and 135-140 pounds. Good God, I'm 5'2 and I take not shame in admitting that I am a rather lumpy 155 pounds...What I wouldn't give to be 140 lol.
By the way, I didn't win on my tea, so I think I'm going to switch to mediums and see what happens :).
Posted by Kristen at 9:13 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Movie Reviews
Half Hearted WWer
We returned the movie from last night and got Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason. I'm psyched to watch it; I think Rene Zellweger is hilarious and I LOVE Hugh Grant, he seems like a real charmer. So, I'm gonna kick back and relax with Calvin tonight; I deserve it after all the writing I did today :).
Posted by Kristen at 6:37 p.m. 1 comments
Making Progress
Off to shower, then go to Old Navy and buy a couple more 3/4 sleeve Henley shirts. Love em!
Posted by Kristen at 3:49 p.m. 1 comments
Good Morning!
Anyway, I've had my mini wheats and am hoping to spend a few hours today writing my monster finance paper. I have to hand in 20/30 pages by Wednesday and I have 7 more to go, so I'd love to get the bulk of it finished today.
I'm debating about whether I should get a steeped tea from Tim Horton's later...I've had 7 or 8 of them since Roll up the Rim started and I've only won once! Calvin has only had about half as many drinks from there and won 3 times; I'm wondering if they have something against larges lol.
Posted by Kristen at 10:48 a.m. 4 comments
Today was a good day
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Turns out that his parents are adamant on us getting married here, but that doesn't really turn my crank. I don't have a lot of family, but Calvin -- mainly his Mom -- has come up with a guest list for his side of the wedding, which totals about 100 people. Great. So I'm going to know about five people, hah. On a positive note, his parents have offered to pay for a caterer, which would be a huge help; after all, it is the biggest expense.
There's still quite a few things to iron out, like where the wedding will be held...Red Deer (my hometown), or Stettler (his hometown). And then comes my biggest beef: do we really need to invite 150 people? I personally think that we should choose the people that are important to us, not our parents. If I haven't seen them in 5 years, or I need to be introduced to them, they don't need to be at my wedding....
That's all I have to say for now, off to watch Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.
Posted by Kristen at 10:39 p.m. 0 comments
And there was a blog...
Friday, March 9, 2007
I took a hint from the girls on the Awesome 20's Board; apparently frozen pudding is a good sustitute for ice cream...I'm about to find out how true that is.
Posted by Kristen at 8:57 p.m. 0 comments