Cute sequel, but I'd have to say that I liked the first movie better - due to the ever present Hugh Grant :). Colin Firth is cute, but I found him to be a real bore in this movie; I think Bridget would have been better off with Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant). I could watch The Bridget Jones movies over and over, and I probably will :). I think there are so many of us that can identify with with Bridget; she's just so normal. One beef that I always had though, was that she isn't really overweight. She's 5'7 or 8 and 135-140 pounds. Good God, I'm 5'2 and I take not shame in admitting that I am a rather lumpy 155 pounds...What I wouldn't give to be 140 lol.
By the way, I didn't win on my tea, so I think I'm going to switch to mediums and see what happens :).
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