How clean is your house?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Is it possible that I will do anything and everything to avoid working on my beast paper? Yes. I have done the dishes and cleaned the fridge - physically scrubbed it inside and out. I can't believe how gross it was lol...I guess we should look under the salad crisper more often.

So now I'm going to sit back and relax, hopefully there's something good on TV tonight. With any luck, Rocky will sit and relax with me; he's been going absolutely crazy all night. I'm sure he'll be ecstatic when Calvin gets home tomorrow morning, he seems to think that there has to be 2 people here at all times.

It looks like this weekend is going to be homework-free, but that's totally fine. Tomorrow should be fun, we're going to Wal-Mart and possibly The Bay to make our gift registries. I honestly don't know if we have space for any more stuff, this apartment is pretty full as it is.

Hehehe...Rocky is chasing his tail...